If you have lost your Gift card you maybe thinking Can Stolen gift cards be traced , you can contact with your Gift card provider and do complaint about Gift card. And if you found some Gift card You can also try to contact that gift card provider and tell them that you found someone’s Gift Card . There are different type of Gift cards . Some are rechargeable gift cards which are registered to some user’s name and other Gift cards are Non Rechargeable which are not registered with some user .
What do you do if someone steals your gift card? what to do if you lost your gift card
If someone steals your gift card the first thing to do is to Complaint to Your Gift card Company and tell them someone stole your gift card or you lost your gift card . You can also buy something with gift card to make it empty , or you can purchase some other gift card with that gift card if you know gift card number , If you contact customer support person they will cancel your gift card and return you money .
Rechargeable gift cards are traceable and non registered gift cards which cannot be recharged are non – traceable to some extent . Non – traceable Gift Cards are like lottery ticket , whoever have that Gift card can be said as owner of that Card , because it will be very difficult to Proof who have buy that Gift card unless there are some CCTV video or some other Proof .
Even if someone else got someone’s lottery ticket . It will be very difficult for Right lottery owner to prove that he have purchased that lottery ticket , if lottery is without name , same is with non – rechargeable Gift cards .
You can find Customer Support number of Your Gift Card company by searching om google or by opening their website
Can gift cards be traced | Can stolen gift cards be deactivated?
If you contact your card provider like Amazon or other and tell them that your Gift card is stolen , then may deactivated that gift card and return you value of that money . So first step to do when your gift card is stolen is to do complaint to your gift card , they will take necessary steps .
Can you get in trouble for using someone’s gift card | i found a gift card and used it
If you try to try to use someone’s else Gift card and they have already complaint about it , The place where you try to use that gift card will know about it and nearby safety places will also get to know about it . Then maybe Police may come to welcome you and appreciate the work you done by stealing someone’s gift card . If the owner does not complaint about his card , then you can make transaction and he will be noticed by message and email .
Someone stole my gift card and use it
In case gift card owner already complained then he will be waiting for you to make purchase so that you can get caught . If the owner already complained about his lost card then maybe card get blocked and balance is zero in card , if he is unaware then transactions can take place and you can get caught later by watching CCTV camera or any other proof .
In case some fraudster use someone’s Gift card then according to 18 U.S.C section 1029 , the fraudster can face 10 years in Jail and $250,000 fine .
Also Read Where can i use Amazon Gift Card besides Amazon
Earn Gift Cards and Cash https://earngiftcards.us/
You can also visit website https://tiktokvideodownloader.us/ https://tiktoktomp4.com/ https://xvideodownloader.us