If you are wondering Does Target give you free gift cards? Then here is answer . Here are top 5 ways by which you can earn Target Gift Cards for free . You can earn gift cards by using services like Target same day grocery delivery . You can earn free Gift cards by changing your already using services and save some money. So below are some methods which you can use to earn free Target Gift Cards .
1 Target Weekly Circular

Target weekly circular publish many Gift cards for free . There will be many promotional gift cards fi you check Target Weekly Circular . There will be gift cards for purchasing certain items . If you already purchase similar thing then you can purchase these items and earn free Target Gift Cards . Here is one example below

2 Target circle rewards program
Target Circle is best for getting free Target Gift Cards , you can join Target Circle by Click Here to receive exclusive deals and offers for member only . Earn Cash back for Circle Members and Red Card Holders . From below example you can see you can earn $15 free gift card on spending $50 on shopping and $5 free gift card on $20 beauty products purchase.

3 Target Seasonal Sale For Free Gift Card
You can earn free gift cards on Target Seasonal Sale . Last time they have offered $10 free gift card on spending of $50 on food items with same day delivery with additional discount . They offers free gift cards on Seasonal sales , Black Friday sales , Sales on Festivals Cyber Monday Sales , Thanksgiving day sales and more sales .
4 Install ShopKick App for Free Gift Cards

If you download Shopkick App from Apple AppStore or Google Playstore . when you sign up then you will be given option on app to select which Gift Card you want to earn . Target is one of the option which you can earn with this app . you can also earn rewards by watching short promotional videos on this app . If you use this app then you will fell shopping as fun and game in which you will earn gift card as reward .
5 Earn target gift cards with survey junkie

If you join survey junkey you can take surveys and earn free gift cards . Target Gift card is also a option in Survey Junkie website . Compaines pay customers for their opinion on their products to make their products better . If you have any question , ask below in comments