If you use Instagram and don’t know if someone blocked you or deactivated his / her account .Then in this post you will know about this for free . Generally you required to pay to find about this but in this post we will use one trick to find out who blocked us on Instagram for free . We will use Instagram app name Followers Unfollowers App. With help of this app we can find out who blocked us on Instagram , who unfollowed us and more . You can download app from below link
Below are steps to use this app and find users who blocked you or unfollowed you , You need to login with your Instagram account in this app , then they will fetch your account details . You can check steps to find who blocked you, below .
- Open App and Login with your account which got blocked by someone
- Click on button , Who unfollowed me
- Then this app will show names of account who either blocked you or unfollowed you
- Then click on that user profile , that profile will open in Instagram app
- If that profile have blocked you , then you will not able to see his/her profile . You can check by clicking on follow button on that profile , If follow button don’t work and show follow again then that means that account have blocked you
- If you are able to see that profile and follow button on that profile is also working fine , that means that profile have Unfollowed you
If you are not able to see someone profile then that can also means that person have deactivated his or her account . If you want to know if that person have blocked you or have deactivated profile , then you can use your friend’s phone or some family member phone and search for that profile from that phone . if you are able to find that profile then that means that profile have blocked your account . If you can’t find that profile from your friend’s or family member’s phone then that means that person have deactivated his or her account .